12. Tie a message to a balloon and let it go

A short story about two birthday balloons.

May 8, 2015

There it goes!
The balloons

One of the things I got for my 20th birthday on April 23 in 2015 were these balloons. They had helium in them so I was able to put a card on them and let them go up in the air.

So about a week after my birthday I wrote two cards with messages on them, tied them to the balloons and let them go. Till this day I haven’t recieved a message from anyone so I have no idea if someone found the balloons and/or cards. It was a fun experience though!

Two message cards

Did you ever add a message to a balloon? Did you receive any information about how far or where it went and did you get a message back? Let me know in the comments!


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